can't understand the Internal flow of NDIS driver

I just go through some VPN like NDIS driver sample codes . I understand that they are using a Virtual miniport driver and a filter driver . These driver operate at Layer 2 . The filter driver that sends and receives data from the real physical miniport .

Now my doubts are :

If OS send packets to internet initially . My understanding for packet flow is

OS –> Virtual miniport –>Filter driver —>internet .

Here , where is physical NIC ? Will Physical NIC send any packets to Virtual miniport ? Filter driver is binding to all Real Physical NIC . So when receive Packets the flow will be

Filter ----> Physical NIC —> OS

Then where is Virtual miniport driver ? Will it get any packets ? I didn’t understand that scenario .

I didn’t understand why they are used a Virtual Miniport driver ? With out Virtual miniport will it works ?