possible reasons for HCK/HLK submission fail

Hi all

My HCK/HLK submission failed at “Creating Catalog Files” step.

I would like to know if someone experienced similar problems and/or have
any ideas about troubleshooting of such problem.

Driver was signed with our EV certificate with sha256 digest algorithm.
HCK/HLK test passed on win7, win8, win8.1, win10. x86 and x64.

On win10 tests pass only after loading hardware compatibility playlist
though (https://sysdev.microsoft.com/en-us/Hardware/CompatibilityPlaylists/)

Playlist version
HLK Version 1607 CompatPlaylist 2.0 84be2486-2561-4c5b-b069-1104a9f00d95
Otherwise tests “Driver Memory Test” and “WDK Guardrail Analysis” fail
every time.
Driver Memory Test fails with with error not enough time to write logs or
something like this.
WDK Guardrail Analysis is test for universal drivers and my driver is not
universal, so this test shouldn’t apply at all.

Another strange thing. I use HLK for Windows 10 version 1607, test pc has
windows 10 1607 enterprise (evaluation version
But in submission management in
Qualifications achieved list i have entries like Signature Only - Device -
Compatible with Windows 10 Client family versions 1506 and 1511, but no
1607 version