Process migration/fault tolerant

As I have asked few mounts before, I search for solution of this problem:
I have user process with common address space, owning two threads. One of
them is meant as control thread, which has spawned second/user thread.
Code of second thread is located in single DLL. Mission of control thread

  • create user thread

  • load code for this thread located in DLL

  • create stack for thread encapsulate user thread

  • create heap for thread /

  • set context of created thread(stack, IP register)

  • resume thread

  • after some time, suspend this thread and send its context, code, heap and
    stack to another address space at another machine, running ready controll
    thread, which places migrated thread to matching addresses.

There is another process/service running on both computers, which controls
whole transaction. Comunication is very easy, via pipes or sockets(developed
own protocol for sending of thread context).
Problems like local handles of files, heaps, etc… created by user thread is
resolved, but when control thread at migrated process resumes user thread,
nothing hapens - thread do not run.
Has somebody experiences with such problem?

LosPalos [Palo Sestak]
Siemen SWH
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0043-5-1707 42113