Re: Device can not start

A four or eight byte device extension seems a little small for anything
useful. I guess you have it contain a pointer to your structure, but why?
You ever review the generated code either from a .cod listing or in windbg?

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> How are you allocating the devobj and what size are you specifyig for the
> extension? —>status = IoCreateDevice (DriverObject,
> NULL, // No Name
> &deviceObject);
> When do you delete the devobj? —>in the irp_mn_remove_device routine
> although it were never called
> When pnp is touching your remlock, is the devobj still valid? —>yes, I
> think
> Have you tested your driver with driver verifier?—>not yet, I will try.
> Which option should I turn on? Just by default?