Viewing WPP messages in WinDbg at boot time

I know how to see WPP messages in WinDbg: load wmitrace.dll, traceprt.dll, and execute !wmitrace.searchpath command. At the same time, TraceView must run on destination computer, with real time display and parameter WinDbg set to TRUE.
Now I want to see WPP output when destination computer starts. At boot time there is no TraceView running on destinaltion computer, and I don’t see anything in WinDbg.

(sri… with all due respect, we ask comments and questions be posted in English please… see item 5 in the Community Guidelines.)

TraceView is a tool.
What you need to do is to enable relevant provider on the target machine, which can be done using tools such as tracelog or logman.

However if you need boot tracing you do that too, using what is called an autosession

You can do that using tracelog like this:

 tracelog -addautologger MyWppSession [rest of flags]

see and look at autologger

This can also be done by logman, as described in

What happens is that a key is added for you log session under HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\GlobalLogger with the configuration you set.

Here is some general documentation:

And here is details of the values you can set in the registry:


Sorry mods - didn’t see this is a zombie thread. it jumped on the top page.